Manager’s Forum

The Multi-Specialty Foundation For Aesthetic Surgical Excellence (F.A.S.E.) is pleased to announce the establishment of our Cosmetic Surgery Manager Network(CSMN). The inaugural meeting will formally launch CSMN. At this meeting we will review the Manager’s survey results and solicit your input on the structure of the network, representation and other development areas.

Cosmetic Surgery Manager Network Meeting, Thursday, June 19th 2 – 4 PM in Room Monet 1

Patients Unlimited Marketing Consultants is our partner in the formation of CSMN and is conducting an informational survey on your needs and coordinating the inaugural meeting.

If you are a practice manager in a facial plastic surgery, plastic surgery, dermatology, or oculoplastic practice and would like to complete the survey, please fill out the contact form and mention the CSMN survey in the questions/comments section. Will send you a survey and your invitation to join us at the inaugural meeting.

Don’t miss this special event at the VCS 2014 10th Anniversary meeting in Las Vegas.


PUMC’s Senior Faculty is pleased to be presenting at VCS 2014. Mark your program and join us at the following sessions (read abstracts):

Day 1 – Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Practice Management & Marketing: Cutting Edge: The Business of Medicine

9:15 – 9:35am Lou Haggerty Practice Performance for Better ROI
Day 2 – Thursday, June 19, 2014
Practice Management & Marketing: Valuable Assets: Human Capital & Communication
8:30 – 8:45am Lou Haggerty Generating More Sales by Cultivating a Captivating Aesthetic Practice
Critical Roles in a Practice
8:30 – 8:45am Yvette Manard How to Develop a Practice Marketing Team: Who Will Do All You Learn at VCS
Day 3 – Friday, June 20, 2014
Practice Management & Marketing: A Must Attend Comprehensive Marketing Day

11:20 – 11:50am Yvette Manard Core Marketing Strategies: 5-Step Dynamic Marketing Planning Process
2:30 – 2:45pm Yvette Manard Power Play: Bridging the Generational Divide
Day 4 – Saturday, June 21, 2014
Practice Management & Marketing, Social Rules, Spreading the Word:
Building Your Reputation & Retaining Patients

9:30 – 9:45am Greg Washington Forecasting the Action Steps for Doctors to Get Ahead of Google
11:00am – 12:45pm Greg Washington Reputation Management: Bulletproofing Your Practice

12:30 – 2:40pm Kathi Watkins Integrating Social Media Campaigns for Optimal Results: Why Integrating & Automation Become 
 Critical Components of a Social Media Engagement Plan

2:40 – 2:50pm Lou Haggerty How to Employ Your Staff to Efficiently Keep Up with Social Media

Evidence-Based Analysis of Internet Marketing Using Hard Facts
PANEL 3:15 – 4:15pm Greg Washington Two case studies on practice’s organic SEO successes & failures